viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

Why did I choose this career?

I graduated on year 2015 and in those days I wished to study Psychology in the “USACH”, but I gave the “PSU” and I didn’t get the minimal score, so on the year 2016 I studied the pre- university to prepare the PSU.

It was there when I had time for investigate and know more careers, between them public administration ( I had no idea that this career existed and much less that I was in this university).

I looked for opinions, experiences, scores and universities; well I wanted to know more about it, because for me It was not well known. Like this, little by little I was becoming interested until I choose the career.

I chose it because it seemed dynamic, with management, something that I did not see in the Pychology. I liked It, I found that it was very integral; it covered various areas, such as politics, management, finances and mathematics.

My experience in the university has been good, the circle is friendly, welcoming, the teachers are very friendly and experts in your areas, I feel comfortable with my choice. I have met my expectations.

I would like a job in the area that is related with the environment or agriculture (INDAP, Ministry of Agriculture or Environment, any related institution)

3 comentarios:

  1. Susana, your choise of the career ir very interesting! :)

  2. Sheeee the psychologist JAJAJA <3 , also I like hanging out with you!!

  3. I think is really great to know about the areas that you like. Agriculture is interesting!


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