jueves, 23 de agosto de 2018

2018 :O !

I started with great enthusiasm the new year, eager to enter my second year at the university, with the feeling that every time I like more what I am studying and to be able to graduate later.
In the course of the year, good things happened as well as bad.
Among the bad things:
* They stole my cell phone, which is very sad for me, especially when I realized it was someone from the same university.
* I may not be able to approve the statistics course.

Those are the only bad things that can be seen so far, while the good ones:

* This weekend will be the birthday of my nephew and mine, I am very happy, because it is the best gift I could have received three years ago.
I love my nephew, I make me happy every day. I love to play with him, I like to see him happy, to see him laugh. It makes me immensely happy every time I said "aunt" ...
* I emphasize the friendship that I have with my friends at the university, we have been well united in this semester, because we complement each other very well, we support each other.
* Also, I highlight the many things that have happened in my favor, that although they are small things or coincidences, they have helped me a lot. Such as, without having the cell phone, and not knowing what time it.

1 comentario:

English and Me :o

Approaching the English language was not easy, because the teachers of the school did not teach well. Except teacher Maria Paz, she taught ...