In the future, I would like to carry out the diploma course of Environment and Territorial Planning
in the Institute of Public Affairs of the Universidad de Chile, because I like
this area and I would like to join the public Administration with the Environment.
So, this diploma is perfect, It gives me the suitable knowledge to work in this

In addition, this diploma is e-learning.
This diploma deals with:
· Public discussion about
this topic.
· Naturals phenomenon*
· ->Conflicts associate to
human activity on the means.
· ->Climate change , with
its change of temperature (very hot or very cold), strong precipitations*.
· ->Real examples in the countries
Where the territorial organization is applied in a rational and harmonious way with
the natural environment.
· ->Experiences and work in
Chile about this topic.
You must be conscious that the natural resources are finite and you must have a vision of territorial space management under a holistic concept and interdisciplinary approach.It is necessary to take care of these natural resources, that's why I will address the issue of working this with private and public services.
This diploma is aimed
at professional that work in the public sector where for obligatory disposition ,she/he has to guide works about this topic.
I would like too to study in other countries
like Mexico, Spain, Brasil or South Africa. I prefer to study in the modality in- person
class or mix.

This is so suitable with you