martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018


In the future, I would like to carry out the diploma course of Environment and Territorial Planning in the Institute of Public Affairs of the Universidad de Chile, because I like this area and I would like to join the public Administration with the Environment. So, this diploma is perfect, It gives me the suitable  knowledge  to work in this area
 Resultado de imagen para universidad de chile 

 In addition, this diploma is e-learning.

 This diploma deals with:

·         Public discussion about this topic.
·         Naturals  phenomenon*
·         ->Conflicts associate to human activity on the means.
·         ->Climate change , with its change of temperature (very hot or very cold), strong precipitations*.
·         ->Real examples in the countries Where the territorial organization is applied in a rational and harmonious way with the natural environment.
·         ->Experiences and work in Chile about this topic.
You must be conscious that the natural resources are finite and you must have a vision of t
erritorial space management under a holistic concept and interdisciplinary approach.
It is necessary to take care of these natural resources, that's why I will address the issue of working this with private and public services.

This diploma is aimed at professional that work in the public sector where for obligatory disposition ,she/he has to guide works about this topic.
 I would like too to study in  other countries like Mexico, Spain, Brasil or South Africa. I prefer to study in the modality in- person class or mix.
 Resultado de imagen para unam

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