martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Obesity is a disease

“Is Obesity a Disease?”
Resultado de imagen para obesity disease

The Obesity can be a disease and this can be cause for different reason. Its causes are hormonal, genetic or reside in the brain (its reward system or the circuitry that underlies habit, perception of portion size, the choice of food, etc.) is often difficult to sort out."

Resultado de imagen para obesity disease

But for the other professional the obesity is not a disease, because Obesity is a preventable risk factor for other diseases and conditions, and is not a disease itself”. For example:

  •       For every 2 pound weight increase, the risk of developing arthritis rises 9-13%.
  •         Women who gain 20 pounds or more between age 20 and midlife double their risk of postmenopausal breast cancer.
  •    obesity is a preventable risk factor for coronary heart disease, and among

 However, the American Medical Association's 2013 say that the Obesity causes impairment, because the obesity does not permit the normal functioning of some aspect of the body, , because the obesity can impair normal mobility and range of motion in knees and hips and the obesity is also linked to reproductive impairment, contributing to sexual dysfunction in both sexes, infertility and risk of miscarriage in women, and lower sperm counts in men.
Resultado de imagen para obesity disease 

Therefore, according to the above, obesity is a disease, as it brings problems to the
health of the person, negatively affecting the person can develop normally in
their daily activities. Obesity limits the person who has it.

Resultado de imagen para obesity disease

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