jueves, 23 de agosto de 2018

2018 :O !

I started with great enthusiasm the new year, eager to enter my second year at the university, with the feeling that every time I like more what I am studying and to be able to graduate later.
In the course of the year, good things happened as well as bad.
Among the bad things:
* They stole my cell phone, which is very sad for me, especially when I realized it was someone from the same university.
* I may not be able to approve the statistics course.

Those are the only bad things that can be seen so far, while the good ones:

* This weekend will be the birthday of my nephew and mine, I am very happy, because it is the best gift I could have received three years ago.
I love my nephew, I make me happy every day. I love to play with him, I like to see him happy, to see him laugh. It makes me immensely happy every time I said "aunt" ...
* I emphasize the friendship that I have with my friends at the university, we have been well united in this semester, because we complement each other very well, we support each other.
* Also, I highlight the many things that have happened in my favor, that although they are small things or coincidences, they have helped me a lot. Such as, without having the cell phone, and not knowing what time it.

sábado, 18 de agosto de 2018

My favorite subject

My favorite subject is Normative Framework for the administration of the State II, dealing with the subjects of law, specifically on the administrative statute.
I chose the teacher because friends had given me very good comments about him and his classes. In addition, I also chose it for the schedule, because there was another in the afternoon and it  would had been very heavy for me.
What I like most about the course is that the teacher, Mario Palma, is very good at teaching, explains the subject in a good way, it is easy to understand.
In addition, I like very much the branch of law itself, the fact of being able to see a situation in daily life and say "oh, we saw that in class", or "In that case you can apply such a thing" .
Now we are seeing the audits that are within the State Administration: I Can see that everything has an order, everything must be notified, everything must be written.
This is very important, so that there are no misappropriation or corruption within the State.
I like the subject, because they are training us in a good way, to be honest.
About the course, I would not change anything, in my opinion the course is excellent
Resultado de imagen para mario palma abogadoMario Palma.

sábado, 4 de agosto de 2018


I do not remember how old I was when I had my first pet ... when I was little (I still was not in basic school), I remember that I had a dog called "Choque", I loved it, it was big, beautiful one, with its small white legs and every time he saw me, he would stand up and hug me ... when he died, it was a very sad farewell.

 After time, one day outside my house there was a bitch, blonde, very pretty.
That day was with my sister, so I could play with the bitch all afternoon.
When it was dark and my mother came and I cried her, I begged my mother to let the bitch stay with me. she accepted / The bitch was called "Carlota", I do not know why .

 I loved her, she made me very happy, I enjoyed being with her, I think it was a very important part of my childhood.
When I was in my parents' bed, the bitch tried to climb it, but it was so small that I could not climb, so I put pillows on the floor so the bitch climp it.
 the bitch was hiding between my legs when my parents went up.

When I went to school in the morning, the bitch would accompany me to the bus and when I returned in the afternoon, I would call from the bus stop and she would run to meet me.


The sport that I like is the Volleyball.

 I like the way in the that play it, the training the team, how to throw the ball, and I feel that when you play it there is not this rivalry: "I have to win yes or yes", only enjoy it.

 When we played it in the high school, this was funny, very funny. Always we laugh, beacuse we throw the ball, our hands are inflamed,  the ball was falled down in our face or we hit amog us when we try to hit the ball.

  I consider that the sports are very important socially, especially in the personal development, because they are very goob to develop ability physics in the person, work in team, improve live quality, it gives to you the biggest energy, vitality and it maintain us healthy.

 The sports are like game, where you can run, jump, etc. It is very attractive for the children, like this in the schools they are motivated to realize sports. The children become more sociable.

English and Me :o

Approaching the English language was not easy, because the teachers of the school did not teach well. Except teacher Maria Paz, she taught ...