martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Obesity is a disease

“Is Obesity a Disease?”
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The Obesity can be a disease and this can be cause for different reason. Its causes are hormonal, genetic or reside in the brain (its reward system or the circuitry that underlies habit, perception of portion size, the choice of food, etc.) is often difficult to sort out."

Resultado de imagen para obesity disease

But for the other professional the obesity is not a disease, because Obesity is a preventable risk factor for other diseases and conditions, and is not a disease itself”. For example:

  •       For every 2 pound weight increase, the risk of developing arthritis rises 9-13%.
  •         Women who gain 20 pounds or more between age 20 and midlife double their risk of postmenopausal breast cancer.
  •    obesity is a preventable risk factor for coronary heart disease, and among

 However, the American Medical Association's 2013 say that the Obesity causes impairment, because the obesity does not permit the normal functioning of some aspect of the body, , because the obesity can impair normal mobility and range of motion in knees and hips and the obesity is also linked to reproductive impairment, contributing to sexual dysfunction in both sexes, infertility and risk of miscarriage in women, and lower sperm counts in men.
Resultado de imagen para obesity disease 

Therefore, according to the above, obesity is a disease, as it brings problems to the
health of the person, negatively affecting the person can develop normally in
their daily activities. Obesity limits the person who has it.

Resultado de imagen para obesity disease

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018


In the future, I would like to carry out the diploma course of Environment and Territorial Planning in the Institute of Public Affairs of the Universidad de Chile, because I like this area and I would like to join the public Administration with the Environment. So, this diploma is perfect, It gives me the suitable  knowledge  to work in this area
 Resultado de imagen para universidad de chile 

 In addition, this diploma is e-learning.

 This diploma deals with:

·         Public discussion about this topic.
·         Naturals  phenomenon*
·         ->Conflicts associate to human activity on the means.
·         ->Climate change , with its change of temperature (very hot or very cold), strong precipitations*.
·         ->Real examples in the countries Where the territorial organization is applied in a rational and harmonious way with the natural environment.
·         ->Experiences and work in Chile about this topic.
You must be conscious that the natural resources are finite and you must have a vision of t
erritorial space management under a holistic concept and interdisciplinary approach.
It is necessary to take care of these natural resources, that's why I will address the issue of working this with private and public services.

This diploma is aimed at professional that work in the public sector where for obligatory disposition ,she/he has to guide works about this topic.
 I would like too to study in  other countries like Mexico, Spain, Brasil or South Africa. I prefer to study in the modality in- person class or mix.
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martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018


Well, when I was seven or nine years old I would have liked to be Teacher of Mathematics, because in that moment I had a good qualification in this area at School.

Resultado de imagen para teacher

I imagine that I could be a good teacher of mathematics, that
I could teach very well. I really liked math a lot as a child and I thought
that the teachers in the university only had to study addition, subtraction,
division and multiplication haha. So easy.

This job is  indoors, because you have to work in a classroom, in a school, so it's a job that takes place between four walls most of the time.

I would like to travel a lot in my work, but the limit is not
whether I want to or not. Being a teacher, I would only limit myself to
traveling in vacations, because for teaching purposes it is not possible many

Although I could travel to attend seminars, courses, etc. Where
I am the person who learns.

The salary for the teacher in Chile it is not very good, because if we consider that they give us the base knowledge  in almost twelve years of our lives.
Yes, I would like very much to have a second carrer. I liked would be able to study something about agriculture, either one carrer professional or technique, because I like a lot this area.

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018


The interest change through in the years, for that reason my favorite song now is “get up” by singers, the soloist Lea Paci and the group Diva Faune.

Resultado de imagen para lea paci            Resultado de imagen para diva faune ft lia paci

 This song I found in the Spotify when I did listening to the singer Loîc Nottet with his song “Hungry Heart”.

I really liked very much the song “Get up”, because the melody in generally is so happy, the rhythm is perfect and I love especially when she sings in French.
The mix the voices in English and in French is very good, the musical tones of their voices is so perfect. that is to say, they, together create a      splendid, magnificent melody.

In addition, this song belongs to the musical style Pop.

Its lyrics is  about how with somebody you can complement without to be feel afraid to be  lovely, You only should feeling free without ties, to be happy and enjoy the simple moments.
that is to say, You must enjoy now, the present, because tomorrow maybe the something can Changes.

Well, with the song I don’t feel identify for this moment, although I could stay with the "enjoy without fear".

 I Invite you to listen this song, because I know that you like it.

English and Me :o

Approaching the English language was not easy, because the teachers of the school did not teach well. Except teacher Maria Paz, she taught ...